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Update a ticket

Make changes to existing tickets.


id - place in url​

Place the ticket id in the URL: ticket/update/tic_....

title - required​

Title of ticket.

description - required​

Additional information for the ticket.

status - required​

The flow or column to add the ticket to.

notify - required​

True(1) or false(0). If true, you may specify email or phone numbers to notify of creation and movement of ticket.

Notify requirements
If notify = 1 the following are also required

time - optional.
Specify a specific time to send notification of ticket creation.

type - required.
Can be email or sms.

contacts - required.
- If type = email send a concated string of email contacts seperated by a ,. E.g.,
- If type = sms send a concated string of phone numbers contacts seperated by a ,. E.g. 1112223333,4445556666

notifySubject - optional.
Subject of message to be sent.

notifyMessage - optional.
Body of message to be sent.

automated - required​

True(1) or false(0). If true, involved partied specified in notify will be notified if a ticket remains in a flow longer than a specified length of time.

Code Example​

var axios = require('axios');
var qs = require('qs');
var data = qs.stringify({
'title': 'Leaking faucet',
'description': 'Leak under the kitchen sink in 1A requires new part.',
'status': 'ON_HOLD',
'notify': 1,
'time': '',
'type': 'email',
'contacts': '',
'automated': 1
var config = {
method: 'put',
url: '',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + BEARER_TOKEN
data : data

.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {