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The nearby addresses data object


addresses - array​

Contains an array of addresses that were found and validated with the USPS. On an empty response, addresses will contain an empty array.

building - string​

The building name if available.

house_number - string​

The house number or building number.

road - string​

The road the nearby property is located in.

city - string​

The city the nearby property is located in.

state - string​

The state the nearby property is located in.

county - string​

The county the nearby property is located in.

country_code - string​

The country_code of the nearby property.

lat - float​

The latitude of the nearby property.

lng - float​

The longitude of the nearby property.

full_address - string​

A friendly value of the nearby property.

zipcode - string​

The zipcode of the nearby property.